100 Dives of a Lifetime: The World's Ultimate Underwater Destinations

100 Dives of a Lifetime: The World's Ultimate Underwater Destinations

Matematika Guys bantu gue. Kalu lu bener gua kasih jawaban terbaik dan tecerdas.

Guys bantu gue. Kalu lu bener gua kasih jawaban terbaik dan tecerdas.


Volume LimasLimas = ⅓ × L.alas × t

= ⅓ × (18×13) × 15

= ⅓ × (234 × 15)

= ⅓ × 3.510

= 1.170 cm³

Volume Balok = p × l × t

= 18 × 10 ×10

= 1.800 cm³

Volume Gabungan Limas dan Balok

= 1.170 + 1.800

= 2.970 cm³
